Blackmore Turfpic at Laytown beach races 2021

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I felt inspired following recent visit to the Layown Races Bettystown North Dublin, to paint this abstract TurfPic.
This unique gathering is on only once a year. Its going since 1868, only one in Europe.
I won on a two horses including Approbare Rachel’s Blackmore’s horse 🙌
Its amazing to see the racehorses racing on the seashore so excited in such a beautiful setting.
I tried to capture the excitement of the scramble on sand to the finish line.
well worth a visit!
May see you there next Autumn ………….
TurfPic 18″ X 14″ on Birchwood and canvas panel.
TurfPics have their own unique sanded in frame on panel, slim, eco friendly, sturdy for posting.

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