“And sweetest in the Gael is Heard”



“Hope is the thing with Feathers” E.D.
‘”And sweetest in the Gael is Heard”
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm” ‘
This is part 2 of a triptych which can be go as three paintings or just one. The 3rd one will be posted soon.
Hybrid mixed media painting 18″x 14″ on birchwood sanded in frame
an explaination ….
The poet Emily Dickenson says that the bird
(AKA HOPE ) sings “sweetest” in the storm. Therefore showing its importance in times of adversity and seems to guide people through.
And “sore” (harsh) must be the storm that could “abash” (shy away ) the little bird That kept so many warm….

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